Feed the Horn of Africa
There are millions living in the Horn of Africa who are malnourished, undernourished, and suffering from extreme poverty.
Amoud Foundation has been dedicated to providing nutritious food to those in need in the Horn of Africa for more than 22 years.

Will you Feed me today?
Imagine living in one of the most impoverished and disaster-stricken regions of the world. Now imagine the most recent pandemic that has struck every country on earth also invading this devastated region. There are millions living in the Horn of Africa who are malnourished, undernourished, and suffering from extreme poverty.
Most of them lack access to clean water much less access to proper, nourishing food for their families.
“And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,”
(Qur’an 76:8)
Amoud Foundation has been dedicated to providing nutritious food to those in need in the Horn of Africa for more than 22 years. Amoud has been working tirelessly to help many in the Horn of Africa to achieve food security through various projects including family livestock businesses. The effects of long-term malnutrition can be devastating, especially for children. Many parents must make difficult decisions such as removing their children from school in order to work. Lack of proper nutrition can cause issues with physical and mental development, weakens the immune system, and increases the potential for diseases.
Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“One is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbor goes hungry.”
(at-Sunan-al-kubra 19049)
Without leaving the comfort of your home, you can help to alleviate their suffering and even save lives! By donating online at amoudfoundation.org, you will be able to touch the lives of those who are suffering for the better by providing one of their basic human needs. Your generosity can help end this vicious cycle of hunger. Your contribution, especially a recurring contribution, can help provide the necessary food and supplies for a family each month. instance, $60 per month will provide two meals a day for a family of 4; that is $2 per day! Imagine helping to feed someone who is vulnerable for less than $1 per day!