Water Is Life

The people in the Horn of Africa are facing the worst water crisis seen in the region in many years. The drought has made the availability of water one of the most valuable resources that very few have access to. Millions of families have to walk hours and sometimes even days in order to get just a few cups of drinking water.

Providing water to those in need is a sadaqah jariyah (a continuous charity) and helps to fulfill a basic human right with a profound impact.

Water Is Life

$300 - Small Water Truck

Amoud Foundation started digging wells after the historic drought of 2011 which caused the death of about 258,000 people.


Help Amoud Foundation dig water wells and provide clean water. One new water well can sustain the population of an entire village.

In addition, having a local water supply enables young girls to spend their time in school rather than walking several miles to collect water for their families.

The foundation of all life is water and even in today’s “modern” world, there are so many people who spend so much of their time searching for it. There are over 785 million people who live without clean water with the majority in Africa.

“….and We created from water every living thing.”


(Qur’an 21:30)

Many factors have contributed to the lack of water in the Horn of Africa. Among them are climate change, droughts, global warming, and other natural disasters. The extent of the lack of clean water in this region is both enormous and unacceptable. The need to provide clean water in the Horn of Africa is dire. Many lives are lost due to the lack of water in this region. In order to collect even the smallest amounts of water, women and children must walk lengthy and perilous distances for hours each day. Access to clean water is a basic human right.

Think about all of the ways clean water is needed and used and how much the health, growth, and stability of communities is dependent upon it. Without access to clean water, communities must endure incomprehensible hardships and the cycle of poverty will continue. Clean water is not only used for drinking but also for growing food and feeding livestock which adds to the health and success of a community. With less time spent on trying to collect clean water, children will have more time to spend on education and therefore able to have careers to contribute to the welfare of their communities. Women will have more time to work, start a business, better their homes and their lives.

As our beloved Prophet (S.A.W.) has taught us that

“Providing water is the best charity”.

Amoud Foundation Has Lead The Way In Bringing Access To Clean, Drinkable Water To Millions Of Impacted Families Over The Years. Eight Out Of 10 People Do Not Have Access To Clean Water In The Horn Of Africa, Leaving Many To Have To Walk Over 100 Miles To Get Access To Clean Water.

Amoud Foundation Has Dedicated Resources To Work With Communities In The Horn Of Africa To Provide Sustainable Projects To Help Improve Their Lives. From Water Trucks To Water Wells, The Amoud Team Has Worked Tirelessly To Provide Clean Water In Strategic, Outlying Areas Of This Region. Water Wells Provide Access To Clean Water For Many Years For These Destitute Communities.

The foundation of all life is water and even in today’s “modern” world, there are so many people who spend so much of their time searching for it.

There are over 785 million people who live without clean water with the majority in Africa.

Water Well With Solar Panel

Beginning in January 2025, Amoud Foundation began our newest water well program to provide water wells with solar panels for our beneficiaries. With this innovative project, solar-powered water wells that are eco-friendly and cost-effective will provide continuous access to clean and safe drinking water, improving the health of the most vulnerable in the Horn of Africa and enhancing livelihoods. Donating a water well with solar panels in the Horn of Africa provides a sustainable solution to the region’s water scarcity and drought challenges. Access to clean, reliable water is essential for health, agriculture, and education, yet many communities face severe water shortages, forcing people, especially women and children, to walk extremely long distances for water. It also reduces reliance on expensive, non-renewable energy sources, fostering economic growth and empowering communities by freeing up time for education and economic opportunities. 

By contributing, you help create lasting impact, transforming lives and supporting long-term resilience in the region.

By giving to the Amoud Foundation, be assured that your donation is making a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable in the Horn of Africa.

Water Well


Water Well With Generator


Water Well With Solar Panel


Water Well With Solar Panel

Water Wells with Generators

Large water well with generators available only in SOMALIA and TOGO at the current time.

They are in desperate need at this time .

Water Trucks


Amoud Foundation’s Water Truck program makes it possible to take clean drinking water to some of the most inaccessible parts of the region, bringing water to millions who otherwise have to walk dozens of miles for water.

Large Water Truck for 2500 people for 1 week

Small Water Truck for 1500 people for 1 week


Since 2014, Amoud Foundation has dug 2257 new water wells, providing clean accessible water to millions of people. Each water well gives clean water access to thousands of people and their livestock. The wells last for many years and can be dedicated in honor of a loved one.

It will take an average of 4 months to build a water well once we receive the full amount for the Water Well.

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